In February 1955, Coco Chanel introduced what would be become the most widely recognizable handbag ever: it had double flap, with a mademoiselle closure and metal chains. Coco Chanel wanted their hands free, so that women could be able to do everything they wanted while they carried their bags. This is the reason why the French designer outfitted the bag with double chains that can easily be slung onto the shoulder or the crook of the arm.
It became popularly known as the 2.55 flap bag. Over the years there have been many variations to the original 2.55 flap design: the use of leather interwoven through the chain, use of different leathers and fabrics, single flap instead of the original double flap and different sizes available. In 1983, Karl Lagerfeld joined the house of Chanel as Artistic Director. While Coco Chanel designed the original interlocking CC logo, it was Karl Lagerfeld who introduced the interlocking CC closure on the flaps. This bag is one of the most iconic accessories of the world, one of the timeless pieces of the Maison Chanel heritage.