Chanel mini shoulder bag in rosé with Chanel written on the fabric and the CC logo on front of the bag. The interior is made out of calf skin leather. It has one pocket with a zip which departs the bag in two sections. The hardware is silver and the shoulder drop of the chain is 63'. The year code is 22, year 2016/17. It is in excellent condition and comes with the original box, dust bag, cleaning instructions booklet and the certificate card.
Condition: NewEra: Contemporary; 2000s: 10" L x 2.5" W x 6" HMaterials: leather, metalColor: goldChanel...
Condition: Very Good; minor wear on leatherEra: Contemporary; 2000s: 14" L x 3.5" W x...
Condition: ExcellentEra: Contemporary; 2000s: 12" L x 3.75" W x 7.5" HMaterials: leather/metalColor: electric blue/pale...